February 7, 2025

Delabarre Publishing

Your independent source for high-quality eBooks for kids and adults. New and formerly out-of-print titles.

Kids know Delabarre’s got the goods: 101 Short & Hilarious Jokes for Kids, 101 Hilarious Dinosaur Jokes For Kids, 102 Hilarious Jokes for Kids, 103 Hilarious Halloween Jokes for Kids, and 101 Hilarious Christmas Jokes for Kids — and new titles in the works will keep the giggles coming.

For adults, Delabarre Publishing is working on publishing a wide range of nonfiction and novels, including the just released Italy Plane Reader – Get Psyched About Your Upcoming Trip to Italy: Stories About Italian People, Places and Eats – this is the first in a series of GoNOMAD Plane Reader travel eBooks we’ll be publishing.

In fiction, we’re so excited to bring back HARD CITY, noted mystery novelist and short-story writer Clark Howard’s gritty coming-of-age novel first published by Dutton in hardback in 1990. Look for all of Delabarre’s forthcoming titles on your favorite eReader.

Delabarre Publishing. Independent publisher of high-quality eBooks for kids and adults.