February 7, 2025

Bad Date Stories anthology – call for submissions

We’re soliciting individual nonfiction accounts for an anthology about real-life “bad date” experiences.  Did your date have terrible manners?  Overshared?  Drank too much?  Or was there just a series of bad events?  Your entries should be between 200 and 800 words in length, and give a quick but detailed overview of the most uncanny, strange, humorous, embarrassing or downright awful encounter you’ve ever had while on a date.

Entries accepted for publication will be collected in an ebook anthology of brief tales about experiences with the dating world.  Unless you request to remain anonymous, your name and city of residence will be included with your accepted story.  Please understand that the editors may make slight changes to the length, vocabulary, and/or title of your story; however, if your piece is chosen for the anthology, the general content and meaning will remain the same.

Email submissions to 50worstdates@comcast.net